About my dreams...

No not "My dream is to marry a Korean guy" Pfft what dream, it's the truth!~
I mean dream, literally dreams. You know these movies/pictures that plopps up when you're asleep. Well you get what I mean -.-

To begin from the start I don't really have normal dreams... (duhh.. -.-) No seriously I have pretty wicked dreams that gives me scarres for life T___T
We have this "dream book" at home so I thought of 2 bad dreams I had during these months and 1 "good".
Before I start just want to say that it's a Swedish book so I'm gonna do a fast translation (they've these "fancy" words so, yeah... xd

Dream #1:

Actually a week ago I had that a long action dream where I where robbed in my own house. My parents just watched tv while I saw the killer/robber slowly approach our house...

"To be robbed in the dream gives notice about losing a close friend" - I can say that it's partly true...

Dream #2:

This was a random dream I don't remember that much but all I know is that someone random kissed me =___=

"To get a kiss: Lucky no one knows your secret" -  . . .

Dream #3:

This must be THE MOST disgusting dream I've ever had in my own life... Dreamt that a psychopat with knife hands came in the mall and chopped my head off while saying "I hate cowards" (something...) and my friends just stood there watching me -.- It lead that I saw my whole body inc. my head all bloody on the floor and I woke up because I couldn't breath anymore >___>

"To dream that you're dead means that you'll have a good health" - I was like "ohh that isn't bad at all..." then I continued reading the rest...

"To see your own dead body suggests an unpleasant life" - Me: Dammit.... TT__TT

Well this was a random post... but random stuff is.. fun eyy~?!

Squeezing a random pic so the post will have a connection to kpop...
Went all ASKFANDJVABDNVJLAD when I saw this pic ;__; JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! (From the SM fashionista thing) Taemin look so... mature? Compared to his mushroom hair before XD


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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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