I listened to this song...

...more than 30 times yesterday... or more =__=

It's so disgustingly good!!! ASDJBSDJVBSD Thought it was another song for their mini Album 100% ver But it was released a year ago.
Pretty impressive the song was composed by G.O and the lyrics was written by G.O and Mir o___o

Dunno what to say I'm amazed.... Mir?! The lyrics are probably something weird and made up but I don't underestand what they're saying so... No kidding XD They've done a REALLY good job it's in my top 3 MBLAQ songs ^^

#1 - Stay
#2 - Mona Lisa
#3 - Can't come back
#4 - I don't know, Baby U, Cry, Oh yeah, Rusty, etc. X'D


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