LOEN funny guys...

XD This is a pretty random post. But one ting I have, or everyone has been noticing is how Loen ent. uploads every groups MV's XD (Teen Top, T-ara, MYNAME, B.A.P, 2PM, Boyfriend, INFINITE, X-5 etc.)

Even groups that doesn't belong them. Loen doesn't really have any "famous" groups.

* N:SONIC <-- should get more attention...
* Sunny Hill - There's a guy in the too O__O
* B.E.G - (Brown Eyed girls) <-- I think B.E.G belonged to Nega Network before
* IU - not a group but what I've heard she's in Loen

Well that's all the groups they have and the only one I recognize is B.E.G.
They should promote their own groups more rather than uploading other groups/companies MV's. Dunno if they have a deal or something where they said "Hoho Loen you're gonna upload all of our Music videos in the future" Well something like that but it's still funny XD

I couldn't really compare with JYP or YG because every one of their groups have an individual yt chanel.
Funny how Loen have 635 while SM have 418 ;'D




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