2PM Show season 2

I started watching 2PM show season 1 last year but I never finished it =_= (The same with Idol army) but yesterday I watched all the 12 episodes and gosh I love them TT^TT I had my Big Bang period but I've switched back to 2PM again <3 Those two groups means everything to me.

Okay back to the point! It's official since long ago that 2PM will make a season 2 on 2PM show. Their manager said that they were going to film it this summer but I don't know when they'll release it. I also read that they would have another variety show o_o
For you who don't know: 2PM show is a reality show where 2PM do different games to show their sides from the viewers requests. Everything from their sexy, beastly, dorky, teamwork, sleepover, typical dorm sides :-) So the whole show is mostly based on what the viewers want.
I can ensure you that you wont regret this! XD Found the best comment to describe my bias from 2PM:
Well just erase the word leader*
Kekeke the water scene was fun to watch... if you know what I mean~



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