A big fat recomendation: Kpopmart!

I bet that almost all of you know about the online page Yesasia? It's a place where you can buy kpop things and albums (inc. chinese, japanese stuff)
However I've been observing the page kpopmart a  while and it's awesome!! :D
I bought my Alive album and got it a week ago, gah I should've done a reaction video XD IT'S SO AMAZING I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO IT 3524621632 TIMES!!! weho~ My first album ;'D
Some deep talk: My dad was skeptical and refused to pay so I had to fix my own VISA card and pay for it myself. Yeah it was a risk but I craved for that album. Believe me you can trust them 100% They're so cute TT^TT They even send pictures on your package that they're sending ;w;
Yes that's my last name... XD
I compared the price between yesasia and kpopmart and kpopmart had cheaper albums compared to yesasia. I got 1 big fat poster, mini cards, photobook, the cd and one planning card thing -_- for 25$ (it was a bit more expensive if you choose the poster) and they deliver the things so fast O_O They wrote around 3 weeks but it came after 1 week~
            Hahahahahaha I started to cry/screm "OMG I'M AN YG FAMILY MEMBER NOW!!!!! LSDJFNSLD"
So yeah this was an aweomse page! Gonna order some more stuff... when I get some more money =__=
Click here to come to the golden page~


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