BIGSTAR - Hot Boy [MV]

4 words: Oh My Shitty God O___O

AHHHHHYALALALALAL!!! *fancow scream* This was... They are AMAZING!!! I'm so impressed with this group!!! Sure I couldn't really hear anyone have that "wonder voice" but their dancing skills are no joke. It's the first time I've seen a group beeing so aweomse O_O They beat B.A.P and INFINITE (well not the synchronization yet but they're on their way) their rap isn't that bad either.

As I said before that move the guy with braids did at 1:43 = Eyegasm!!! @__@ Loved the beat they had during "hot boy" woop~
I have to admit that it somehow raminded me of TAKEN'S young boy.. not a good thing. But that's because I have a small grudge towards that group XD However it just reminded me of Young Boy during 2 sec.
BIGSTAR GOOD JOB!!! I'm really looking forward for more. Lots of awesome rookie groups this year OuO


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