BoA - Only One [Drama Version]

Was going to upload this video yesterday, but I worked like 10 hours.. so I'm uploading it today ^^

Ok, first the MV. There were some stuff I didn't get. Like when the guy took his phone and kind of.. took a picture? (1:22) After that I could only see him as a perv haha. But now that I look again.. it's someone calling O__o Maybe it's another girl.. and he's cheating :O And that's why she has to break up.. at the same place they had their first date. But during the end when she comes back in (or like in for real) she smiles and he smiles.. like she won't break up. So.. yeah. OH, and the guy looks soooo much like Baekho from NU'EST xD

And now to the song.. again. After 3 minutes I actually didn't mind listening to it. I actually sung along ^^


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