CN Blue's Jonghyun on Vouge Girl

CN Blue's pretty boy Jonghyun was on Vouge Girl a while ago, but I never uploaded those pictures -___- It's a shame that CN Blue is so underrated because their music is really good.
I've said this to BO before but I'll say it here as well. In the kpop world there are 3 different stage-popularity and you can clearly notice it on youtube:

#1 - The popular/well known ones (usually between 10-30 0000+ viewes)
#2 - Those who are in the middle (usually between 2-9 0000 viewes)
#3 - The rookie/underrated ones (usually between 100 000 - 900 000 viewes)

Sure my numbers aren't really exact but you can check it for yourself when you see someones' MV.
Okay back to the point yes CN Blue is underrated and they're #2 on the list. But here are the pictures from Jonghyun's photoshoot~
Lol looks like a janitor on the last picture XD
But he's really pretty *u*


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