Day 20: Favorite T-ARA song:

Urrgh.. it bugs me so much that all of their MV's are like 20minutes long -.- I never watch them. I really want to but I'm to lazy!!! O__o RAAAAAAAAAAAAGE


But ok.. so I like this song a lot:
Lovey Dovey (Zombie Ver.) [trimmed]

I absolutley LOVE this version. Ok.. haha this is the only version I've seen xD But I saw the entire thing okey?! This is the trimmed version though, so not all those movie parts are in here ^^ If you want to see the entire MV, click here.

But then we have that classic T-ara song.. hehe
Bo Peep Bo Peep

They have a version where they only dance. Yeah.. a dance version xD It's more cute than sexy like this one. At first I was like "WTH?!" haha but then I remember I read a comment that explained everything. After watching it again I got the story ^^ But the song is so cute!! And then you see this MV hahahaha.


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