Firsly HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO \OoO/ <-- trying to imitate his pose ^  Leader Doojoon from B2ST who's turning 23 years old (24 Korean age)!!!
He isn't that old actually, I thought that he would be much older :P Getting confident somehow... Actually if you think about it 6-9 years (age difference) isn't that much actually. It's just weird now but when they're 37 for example then you're 30 or maybe 31 so we can still dream and fight boys and girls! XD (y)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LITTLE DARI!!!! Who's turning 28 years old (29 Korean age) today! Gah now I got depressed again XD
For you who didn't know Dari is a member in Dalmatian (<-- the hottest comeback this year with the abs-flash) however he's in the army right now and will be out... dunno... soon? ;'D
Well everyone in Dalmatian is pretty old so I have no complains...


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