Kim Hyun Joong - Let's Party

Seriously my mind is exploding soon. This is the typical month just like last year (october-december when everyone debuted) when everyone are making a comeback *sight~* Yeah I'm happy for their sake but it seems like every artist wants to bomb us before the olympics, it's gonna be a war during Music Banks! I wanna be in Korea right now T____T
Okay Kim Hyun Joong released the MV for his second Japanese album "HEAT" consisting 2 songs "Let's Party" and "HEAT". This MV isn't uploaded on their official channel yet so I'll give you a link later.
It was okay? Dunno I didn't concentrate that much anymore. I've become more picky towards the songs now because of all the comebacks/debuts. But this didn't caugh my attention. However it must have been awkward to film that first scene in the parking lot XD


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