T-ara - Day By Day [Mini Album]

Day by Day
Don't Leave
Love Play
The whole album is impressive! :D Tough competition now, everyone is making a comeback :p Day by Day was really good! It gave me that fantasy feeling especially with the flute, or was it a flute(?) at the beginning =__= The rest of the songs gave me a jazz feeling but it was still good! :D
I also watched their Day by Day MV it wasn't that long maybe 10 minutes? And the story wasn't really boring so it didn't feel long at all. They also put a lot of energy on the new member Ahreum but I underestand why though. I love Jiyeon's acting, gah such a bad girl XD But I got schocked that Hyomin had the third big role in the MV I though Eunjung would have it... Oh well the frustration when they write "To be continued" I WANT TO SEE THE WHOLE STORY NOW!! >:3 But did you listen to the song at the prewiev thing? IT WAS AWESOME! Really looking forward to their next album now ^3^
Another new member Dani will also plopp up soon. Or to be more exakt 2013 and she's 14 years old =__= What's happening...?! TT^TT I can get the whole thing that the youngest member is 16 years old but 14 is a little bit too much. The body hasn't really developed to the full stadium so it can be quiet bad if she overwork at such an young age. Sure a 16 year old isn't fully grown either but they're at the "end stadium" compared to a 14 year old...


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