BtoB - Insane (MV Teaser)

OMG, we got so much of the song!!!!!!!!!! xD "So insane. She gave me so much pain~" Naaah, you poor bobo :c But damn, this year is really though for debut-groups to debut O__o I mean B.A.P, NU'EST and now this. I kind of feel bad for them, because if they're not great, people might not pay so much attention to them.

But hey, this song was pretty badass and so was the video! On March 21st they will release the ballad track, “Imagine”, and this up beat dance track, “Insane” as a double title track, which will be released digitally.

#1. What does it mean that they'll release the songs as a double title track?
#2. What does it mean that it'll be released digitally? Like on youtube?

Haha, got that last sentence from Allkpop, and that's why I have a problem understanding it. It's not that I don't understand what I'm writing xD

Postat av: Sara Dara

Oh My!! Den fanns kvar till idag xO hihih ;D hey jag skickar lite med posten xD

Älskar marsipan so otroligt mycket! x...x

Ooh det såg ut som Rain ;O COOOL :D

Ofc 2PM put ya hands up put ya hands up p-p-p-put ya hands up!=D

Och när som sjöng Abracadabra xD fett skön jag svär! >....<

Hihihi! om jag bara kunde träffa honom, jag lovar dej!! Jag skulle.... Du vet resten xD

Hihih Jooo där borta xO UME! usch fy bläh! varje gng jag tar bussen kliver jag av på fel ställe! allt ser likadant ut c.c wiiiz!

ChinchaA??!omoo! tycker du att det är nyttigt med chinese? :D vi träffade på en kinesisk doktor och hon sa att de skulle kunna vara nyttigt med kinesiska i framtiden! Glömmer aldrig den dagen!

SOrry för min långa svaaaar xD

2012-03-20 @ 09:56:35
Postat av: Sara Dara

Hyunsik lim~BTOB är klart den hetaste! Erkänn nu! xP

2012-03-20 @ 09:57:19

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