(Well before I begin this is our 2000 post!!! XD . . .)

As you know (or maybe not) M2STASCH had their 200 days anniversary 1½ week ago so we want to celebrate with you too! Gosh that was such a cliché. But let's start with the price this time!

It's not a "WAAAAAOWWW Thing" it's something homemade just like last time XD We're going to give away:

2 iphone 4 shells
(or for iphone 4s).

But I'm not saying that if you don't have an iphone you can't participate, EVERYONE CAN PARTICIPATE!~ ^3^
Here's some shells I've made before:

This was mine...

And this is BO's

I've also made an example on how one of the Iphone shells will look like. I'm going to do give away 2 shells as I said. But the one who comes at the first place will win a more "special" shell that he/she can get. Just like mine and BO's. You can chose a more private shell where you can have WHATEVER you want (But I should of course be able to do it -.-) you can have a B2ST, KARA Teen Top, SNSD INFINITE etc. etc theme. But for the second place dude *trollface*
will have a more specific theme and it's this:

You can either chose this or have "Engrish~" on the back, and you can also chose your own "side-text". Of course if you come on the 1st place you can also chose a shell like this but you're also able to have something more complicated ^_^

So that's all I had to say about the prices but here's a short summary for the:

1st place:
*You don't have a more "specific" theme, you're freee to chose anything
*You can also chose the theme as the 2nd place.
*You can chose the colour, text, shape, size, quote, group etc.

2nd place:
*You have a more "specific" theme and can chose from "I'm so groove, I'm so spechul~" or "Engrish~"
*You can chose the colour, size and some of the texts.

Right, the shells are white so that's the back colour. The black one was just an example and they're easy to take off and push in *dirty* XD

Okay! To apply for this contest isn't hard at all! It's not as complicated as the first one and you don't have to share, spam or write an essay as a comment XD
The only thing you need to do is:

*Write "I'm in" on the comment box and how long you've liked kpop.
(And only 1, ONE comment not 2 or 13435. Only 1!) :3

Here's an example if you didn't get it:

So yeah that's it! Not hard at all. And yes you must write down your mail adress for us to see. We have to be able to contact you somehow. You are going to recieve an email from us where you'll get some more info about your price. But! You'll only have 3 days to answer back and if you don't then you'll get
disqualified. However if you're on the 1st place and get disqualified then your place will automaticly be given to the 2nd place winner ^^

But that's all I had to say. I've been writing down everything as clearly as I can so please read it properly and if you have any questions just comment or send to our mail
[email protected]
I hope that you'll apply so hwating!~
Right! ANYONE can apply you don't need to live in Sweden to have a higher chance to win C:

The contest will end Friday next week (23rd March) and we'll raffle out a name on the day after.

And once again THANK YOU FOR READING THIS BLOG!!!! <3 :D


Postat av: Nathalie

SV: Haha jo precis, och allt bara för att man vänder korset åt andra hållet så får det en helt ny innebörd! (: Ganska knäppt faktiskt... (;

2012-03-17 @ 12:11:51
URL: http://annyong.blogg.se/
Postat av: Nathalie

SV: Mjo, förvisso x)

Tror dock jag avstår från att va med i er tävling den här gången, har ingen iPhone så har ingen nytta av något skal, haha ;) Men jag får väl säga grattis till 200 Dagars Jubileumet ändå~! ^__^

2012-03-17 @ 12:27:35
URL: http://annyong.blogg.se/
Postat av: Samra

I'm in :) <3

I've been listening to K-Pop for 7 month's.^^~

2012-03-17 @ 12:36:00
Postat av: Hanna

I'm in! Great blog by the way!

I've been listening to k-pop for real for 4 months, and just now and then before that.

2012-03-17 @ 20:15:26
Postat av: alex

I'm in! Hurr de durr. Har lyssnat på K-pop sen november, så ungefär fyra månader :3

2012-03-17 @ 21:12:47
Postat av: Daniella

I'm in!

Jag har lyssnat på K-pop i snart ett år, den 26 mars 2011 började jag lyssna på det, så det har nästan gått helt år ^_^

2012-03-18 @ 10:10:20
URL: http://daniellas.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Sara Dara

Im In yaa!!

Ive been listen to Kpop for 2.5 years!;D

2012-03-18 @ 14:35:07
URL: http://kibolight.blogg.se/
Postat av: Ida ;3

I'm in! ;D

Har lyssnat på kpop i.. 2 månader bara??! Ohmyyyy, känns som flera år.

Sv; Kekekeke XD Vet ingen sida direkt, men jag har två superbra bilder på hangul! Kolla här --> http://123kpoptime.blogspot.se/2012/03/korean.html

2012-03-19 @ 17:50:03
URL: http://123kpoptime.blogspot.com
Postat av: Ida ;3

Yeeeah vad bra ;D Vilken dialekt..? o.o XD Menar du romanization? Isf så är det koreanska fast skrivet med bokstäver :) Om man har det där O:et i början av ett tecken låter det inget, it makes no sense liksom, men om det är i slutet av ett tecken så har det ett "ng"-ljud :D Fattar du? c;

Och tack förresten, gullig du äär :3 Keke aw!

2012-03-20 @ 10:31:42
URL: http://123kpoptime.blogspot.com
Postat av: Natalie

I'm in!

I've been listening to kpop for 9 months ;-D

I really like your blog ^_^

2012-03-22 @ 00:55:30
Postat av: Anh~

I'm In ;D

I've been listening to Kpop for about 3 years [;

2012-03-22 @ 22:34:41

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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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