Did you know that...

Apparently Taemin has abs . . . O____O

It's somehow half...

I was like:

After a while I realised that it surely was amazing! (<-- Taemin having abs) so the reaction turned into that *points up* to this:

then I realised that... this post didn't make sense at all:

And 5 minutes later my mom called and said that I had to boil some potatoes I was like:



 <-- omma

But now I'm like

I'm gonna have a hectical week (3 tests this week, gonna do one now, 2 homeworks, 1 essay and a project that need to be filmed)



Postat av: Marie

I'm always listening to the same Kpop songs while learning for my tests. This means when I write them I sit in class and sing to myself and all the teachers think I want to tell my friend the answers.

(btw. I'm a new fan of your blog from Germany. so sorry for any english mistakes xD)

2012-03-26 @ 14:58:12

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