SHINee's 4th mini album "Sherlock"

Why is everyone releasing ther 4th mini album? xD

01. Sherlock

02. Clue

They sound... the same? O__o

OHHHH.. Makes sence ^^ Thank you yuinyanfromhell!!! xD

03. Note

Now where have I heard this song before? O__o maybe in a teaser? Haha, can't really remember. No.. yeah it's probably from a teaser! xD

04. Alarm Clock

05. The Reason

Really liked this intro.. and the song in general ^^

06. Stranger

SHINee's version of "FANTASTIC BABY"? xD But this song was also pretty good ^^
"ola la la la la la LA!!~" (0:11) and "ooooh oooh ooh oh. OOOHOOOH. OH~" (0:22) and the part after the "OH" right before the chorus was awsome. That's probably going to be stuck in my head now xD

07. Honestly

Aaaaww~ I love guitar songs <3
Love the fact that this mini album had everything! A "dance"-song (Stranger), a guitar-song, a typical "SHINee"-song (Sherlock), a pepp-song (Note) and some slow songs ^^


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