What KPOP has done to me (part 4)
KPOP has changed my way of acting around people. I'm not as "gangster" as I used to be. It's very hard to explain, but in short.. I have a fandom now! Everything is so much better when you have a fandom.
Yeah, didn't really get that either O__o But when you have people liking the same stuff that you like, you automatically have very much in common!!! You can open up to eachother within seconds. You can't really share that feeling with others that don't share this fandom with you. Plus you spazz like you've never spazzed before!!! I never really went all crazy about boys before.. oh boi, oh boi, oh boi~ do I now!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
Fandom can be everything from Harry Potter, One Direction, KPOP(!!!!), Indian Films etc.
Because you're reading this blog, I guess you're in the KPOP-fandom. Do you belong to another one? Some KPOPpers I know are in to the Justin Bieber fandom -.-' hahaha.. Bieber...
Me with others that share my fandom:
At first
2 minutes later
.. true story ^^
A fandom is the community that surrounds a tv show/movie/book etc. (In this case, a music genre) Fanfiction writers, artists, poets, and cosplayers and WE WHO LIKE KPOP are all members of that fandom. Fandoms often consist of message boards, livejournal communities, and people. |
Fandom can be everything from Harry Potter, One Direction, KPOP(!!!!), Indian Films etc.
Because you're reading this blog, I guess you're in the KPOP-fandom. Do you belong to another one? Some KPOPpers I know are in to the Justin Bieber fandom -.-' hahaha.. Bieber...
Me with others that share my fandom:
At first
2 minutes later
.. true story ^^