Fangirling really HARD!!!!
I'm sorry but I'm sitting here *forever alone* by myself and screaming like an idiot XD THIS IS GONNS BE AWESOME!!!!!!
Everybody in Sweden are fangirling/boying over LMFAO's concert that'll begin.... 8 pm I think, while I'm freaking out because of this "¤%!%!
This is one of those golden kpop moments, just like EMA. Gosh that was a historical day, I REGRET NOTHING!!! (beeing a kpop fan) I'm looking forward to the day when I can see them live T__T
Everybody in Sweden are fangirling/boying over LMFAO's concert that'll begin.... 8 pm I think, while I'm freaking out because of this "¤%!%!
This is one of those golden kpop moments, just like EMA. Gosh that was a historical day, I REGRET NOTHING!!! (beeing a kpop fan) I'm looking forward to the day when I can see them live T__T