120430 EXO-K fansign Happy Birthday to our main vocal Baekhyun oppa^____^aww he is just like a cute kiddㅋㅋhis smileT____T  cr: b’spectraPlease DO NOT EDIT, TAKE WITH FULL CREDITS

120430 EXO-K fansign Happy Birthday to our main vocal Baekhyun oppa^____^aww his smileT^T soooo cuteT__T cr: b’spectraPlease DO NOT EDIT, TAKE WITH FULL CREDITS

Aww his smile *u*
Omo isn't that the maknae from BtoB? Sung something... Jungsung? Sung jung? *uno momento* Sung Jae* -_- Close...

Bacon~ <3

It's hard goddammit!! *sobs* He's one of my favorite members in EXO K but I can't even "seperate" him from EXO. If someone gave me a picture of EXO and asked "Point out Baekhyun" I would've first named all the members and in the end chose the last remaining person as Baekhyun DX I suck... He's a mix between Lu han and D.O >__> *wierd mix*

Let's skip the whole "#¤!%!# HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAEKHYUN WHO'S TURNING 20 YEARS OLD (21 Korean age)
Have an awesome time with those EXO people!! >:D


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