This weeks U.P.A.H.I
I somehow feel a bit naughty right now... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMFG Never mind that, seriously XD
The thing I want to point out is how we or I usually fangirl over boys who are in my age or a few years older. You never do that with men who are 30+ well Rain is an exception and maybe Inati? (<-- Dalmatian's leader. Well I haven't really been fangirling over him) But there's of course other men (that sounds so... old xD) I've found and they've been in the U.P.A.H.I list. The first one was Kim Jong Kook and the other one was Woo Hyuk and now I've found the third one:
Tony Ahn (former H.O.T member)
This guy is freaking awesome!!!! HAHAHAHA I LOVE his awkward and reserved humour and he's so lovely! <3 Sure he doesn't really have the abs like those 30+ guys I mentioned, or what do I know he hasn't flashed them yet. But ahh~ Have to search for more reality shows he has been in. I saw a Running Man episode with him yesterday and he surely didn't look bad over there and his awkward humour just made it perfect!
- This is the first time I've been photographed since I finished my stint (army) *standing there awkwardly wearing hot pants in the subway* hahahaha <3
The thing I want to point out is how we or I usually fangirl over boys who are in my age or a few years older. You never do that with men who are 30+ well Rain is an exception and maybe Inati? (<-- Dalmatian's leader. Well I haven't really been fangirling over him) But there's of course other men (that sounds so... old xD) I've found and they've been in the U.P.A.H.I list. The first one was Kim Jong Kook and the other one was Woo Hyuk and now I've found the third one:
Tony Ahn (former H.O.T member)
This guy is freaking awesome!!!! HAHAHAHA I LOVE his awkward and reserved humour and he's so lovely! <3 Sure he doesn't really have the abs like those 30+ guys I mentioned, or what do I know he hasn't flashed them yet. But ahh~ Have to search for more reality shows he has been in. I saw a Running Man episode with him yesterday and he surely didn't look bad over there and his awkward humour just made it perfect!
- This is the first time I've been photographed since I finished my stint (army) *standing there awkwardly wearing hot pants in the subway* hahahaha <3