Who is Lee Hi?

I don't know if it's only me but this girl just randomly popped up out of nowhere! No teasers, no announcement, no nothing! (Or I never found/read anything) 
I found it pretty random that YG debuted a solo singer all of a sudden, especially her beeing so young. I guessed that she would be born -97 or something but apparently she's 16 years old. 
I found this.. pretty awkward XD Her voice is pretty and unique, YG made the right choice to make her a trainee, but she looks so lost and awkward in the MV. No dancing spirit at all and she doesn't move her mouth that much either o__o Even if it is her first MV I found this "standard" low for YG. She should be fierce and have a lot of charisma or something. Her voice is ready but not her mind.
I'm sitting here and bashing all over her but hey.. it's the truth ;3 With some training she'll become a nice polished diamond~


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