Jewelry - Look At Me [MV]

Not the biggest fan of Jewelry, mostly because I've never really noticed them. I knew that they existed, but because they haven't released anything in 1 year and 5 moths (which was before I started listening to KPOP) I haven't gotten a chance to like these girls. Who knows, maybe they're good? One thing I've learned thanks to KPOP.. never judge before you know ^^

HMM.. *processing*. I actually liked it. It doesn't make me want to know these girls more, it just means I like it. I liked their style and the song. But what's up with "touching your bum and stick it out while you drag your hands over it"-dance everybody does in their MV's nowadays?? O__o Not complaining though mehehehe ^^

Look at me.. look at me, look at me now *says in super-speed* ^^
Welcome back Jewelry! I guess we're all looking at you now ;D


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