
I've been working non-stop the whole week and I'm tired as f***! That's why the update sucked today ;w;
I actually find swedish people... amusing, if that's the right word. Some of you know that I'm currently an intern at a company called "Invisible friend" we had a giveaway a few days ago.
We're currently in an exhibition trying to advertise the company by talking and selling those dolls. And today....
I made a woman cry and after a few minutes she bought a doll O__O

I was like... this doesn't make any sense but sure here you go~
But it's fun I guess, tomorrow will be the last day and the updates will be mucho better ;'3
                                                              ^ Me right now~~ So.freaking.tired


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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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