G-Dragon - Crayon [MV]

Words cannot describe the awesomness in this MV!!! O___O

HAHAHAHAHA OMG where to start?!?! I went through like... 3194879 different emotions while watching this! Hyped, happy, exited, dorky, fangirl etc. I started to hype as hell when he took of that shirt OuO And laughed through the whole MV. This is a new side of GD I haven't seen and it's awesome! And that girl part... ahh~ X'D
The song itself is quiet good, I still prefer That XX and lastly One of a kind. It's not bad but I still love That XX :p Btw is it only me who thinks G-Dragon is getting ***** hot? O____________O I never got those vibes during tonight or from their first albums but after Alive he has gotten more and more handsome! ^3^
Did he really pierce in his ear?! ê___ê It must hurt like ****!


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