Crazy ass Exotics

Sorry for the language (or maybe not huhaha). We've written a lot of posts about saesang fans, what the term saesag fan mean and made some specific posts on certain idols. (On TVXQ and EXO I think...) Well here's another "crazy" Exotic post! 

Fans usually hold these larg signs and I found 2/3 Exotics holding some... strange ones.
Imagine walking out seeing that =_= 
I thought the first one was a "joke" sign, you know *asdfghjkl kill me - feels*, apparently not. I've read and seen a lot of things revolving EXO lately, the tension and saesang fans are just building up, one member will literally break down soon. Anyone would do that but this seems a bit too much. I can even tell you that B.A.P doesn't have so many saesang fans like EXO.  
SM fans are crazy... (not all of you, only a few... maybe a lot)


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