The hopless of hopeless...
Me: O_O Hahahahahaha good one... *looking at the big pile of homeworks that should be done for tomorrow*
Dad: No I'm serious, HURRY UP!
No seriously I feel like a mad cow right now O__O
This is how we do it!
This is how we in M2STASCH make hot chocolate in tha house^^
I don't really have any comments so yeah... B.R.A:s way of making hot chocolate... pretty awkward -.-
Had to share this
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA X'D This made my day yesterday...
Well dunno why but my whole system have collapsed, after hearing that my mom will come and have a chat (XD) with my teacher (something every school here in Sweden does to see How your child "develope", develope my ass) This will probably be the main conversation
Teacher: So how is it going with the homeworks then?
Me: Ehm fine I guess
Mom: This little child is always inside the room all alone making the homeworks (drooling over half naked bois)
Teacher: I see *doesn't see any result at all*
I feel a bit screeewed -.- and I have the WORST, time in my class. 18.00- Idon'tknowwhen my mom tend to have this wierd thing, when she talks with a teacher they don't talk about how I do during class etc. no they talk about the family, favourite food, spors etc -.- I'm like What the hell?
One time I sat there for over 2 HOURS with my old teacher EVER SINGLE TIME! I prayed for god that I wouldn't be the last one in because if you have someone after you they can't talk 123985239 year BUT THIS TIME I'M THE LAST ONE!!!! WHO THE HECK IS IN THE SCHOOL 18:00?! NOT ME!
Awkward day...
I even texted my friend and said
"I have a favor to ask you... can you scare me when I enter the school?" HAHAHAHAHA her reaction XD
But she did it, and succeded I screamed like a stuck up pig. So I thought that this little "oh-my-scare-me" thing would make me get a little bit hyped (and not fall asleep during my first lesson) EVERYTHING went as I though BUT... he (tha teacher~) turned the lights off and started to talk and the next thing...
It was pretty awkward he noticed me sleeping 5? 6? 3? 4? times? and the same thing happened during the English lesson... (The goddamn woman had to turn off the lights again) AANNNDD science (The goddamn man had to turn off the lights ASFAKADSGL!)
So I practically sleept in every lesson ;____;
Conversation with my friends:
Friend: So who's going to swim tomarrow?
Me: Well I can't
Friend: Why? :O
Me: I just can't do it! It allmost ruined my whole vacation! No matter what I just couldn't get in! *sad face*
And OF COURSE one of my classmated (guy) only heard the last one and stared at me TT^TT
I made my own day... X'D
cold TT___TT
Top 4 biggest problem on earth...
Oh! BO is alive! halleluya!
I feel all alone... in our dorm XD
This is how I run the time (<-- can you say that O_o)
A pretty sloppy 20-minutes-painting
The dramatic side of B.R.A~
pfft... X'D
My time for excuses!
I'm also sorry but I didn't have any access to internet yesterday so I went to school and tried to fix it and I'm so useless O_O This whole day was fail! Only 2 things went right, however those 2 things made my day ^^
#1 I had access to internet all the time, it was my big fat hand that pushed a button and disconnected the whole thing...
#2 It took me 2 hours to get home.
#3 It was caos on the way home when I was in that bus. It took me 1235467 years and for you who didn't know I have car/motion (something) sickness
(The only thing I need is braces then you have a high class dork! I have glasses if didn't notice that either)
So it was this close for me *Imagine my fingers make that "little" sign* (<-- ?! 0_0) to puke on that 56 years old lady's face who was chewing gum like it was a freaking steak! -_-
#4 I just wanted to fart................................... end! But nooooo I was pushed into a corner while listening to Big Bang's tonight. I feelt like a Swedish version of T.O.P
Difference between us two:
T.O.P - Sitting in a limo Me - Sitting in a corner of a bus
T.O.P - With a hot chick Me - With an old woman looking like a man
T.O.P - Going around with a limo Me - Is stuck in the trafic
T.O.P - Watching the great wieve outside the window Me - Watching a man poking its nose in the car outside
Sight~ I can go on and on -.-
The positive stuff!:
#1 I had the best result in our math test in my class
(That must be THE MOST random thing I've ever been trough... I'm the one always having an E and EVERYONE in my class is one of those über dorks that have A in everything... that was a real ha, in your facec moment) The funny thing is that I suck at math but I'm going the economics XDDDD
I sat and searched for pocky during my science class and I found a shop. It only took me 35 minutes to find it!!!
Another thing if you didn't know about me I have the worst local mind a person can have. It's sick! It took me 25 minutes to find a school one time... and it was right in front of my face TT___TT
Well that was my day... how was your? *trying to smile*
HAHAHAHAHA couldn't hold muself so I had to taste it ;____; It's the most simple but the best thing I've ever eaten! The chocolate will be for tomarrow >:D I will show those punks what we asian are capable of! Always bully me and my asian food -.-
Feel sorry... I SAID FEEL SORRY!! TT^TT
How guys have PMS hahahaha X'D
Well the update from me can be a bit bad during the afternoons but today I had to begin earlier and quit later
FML, like you always dooo~~
FML, when you take me tooo~
FML, when you grab my ass and stick it insiiiiiiiidddeeee!~
FML, when you don't let me start~~
FML, when you feel so haard!~
FML, when you go on and on and on and on and OOONNNNNN!!!!~~~~
A song á la M2STASCH! (The funny thing is that I didn't even had to think about the "lyrics", it just... came <-- XD get it HAHAHAHA)
I don't know why but it feels like it's written all over my face . . . 0_0
Finally when I decided to sleep yesterday (around 01.00)
my MOM randomly barges in too my room thinks that she's quiet as an ant but actually walks like an elephant
Note: There's an invisible U efter YO ^^
Welcome to my life...
doesn't deserv a headline...
Sometimes I just realise how pathetic I actually am -.-
I haven't been aleeping at all... During these three days I've.. let see... well I sleept around 07.00 in the morning 2 days ago 04.30 yesterday and no sleep today... because of a stupid manga!! ASDSDGDFSH!!!
After 83 freaking chapters that dude finally say "I Love you" and that made my second -.- *trolololololo*
I should get a life...
Oh!! I was a PRO at this when I was a little kid XD But mine had more effects... of stupidness.. gosh ;___;
Yesterday when I where on my way out to watch a movie
Omma - Don't start a fight when you go out ^^
Me - What? O_o
Omma - It's Friday night and there's a lot of people out there so don't start a fight -.-'I know how stubborn you can be... if anyone needs help or anything just do it and don't start a fight!
*walking away*
Since when did I become rebellious kid?! ;___;
You wanna be on T.O.P?
It's either Top model or Big bang, you choose! hohohoh *peerv* O3o
Me and my dad came up with the best thing ever, or I did... I haven't mention him here, right?
Well he's... eh... special...
Yesterday when we sat and ate food while watching tv
(Yes we have tv in every freaking room, even the kitchen... not the toilet.. xD)
Dad: Do you know how white people get black kids?
Me: ... ehh no? *either adoption or cheating?!* <-- thinking
Dad: They drink to much coke! ^o^
Me: O_o heh..hhehe so if they drink a lot of sprite they will have white babies and when they drink to much fanta... they'll have asian babies (<-- asian = Yellow) XD HAHAHAHA
Dad: Yupp
*5 minutes later*
Dad: You know I rather prefer adopt a kid from China rather that Africa
Me: So you're a rasict now?
Dad: What noo! You know I only hate two kinds of people in this world #1 Rasict and #2 Black people
*sits there and laughs at his own joke*
It went from that *points up*
to this *point down*
No comments? U__U
Right now...
Me right now...
Doin the bear style... O_o
B.R.A time... = Bad...
I'm one of those wierd people (duuh...), you can put me on a deserted island without me going all insane because I can actually "entertain myself" (If you could see me when I'm all alone XD)
My "brain" can actually entertain me <-- skitzo..
And my brain came up with one of the best quotes evah!
" Everyone on this earth is god damn ugly...
However some of us are just, a bit more uglier"
Oh that is... Manager Lee's .. bedroom
My day today
I should buy those eyeglasses...
I'm starting to pee....
This time when I passed in my password
OH MY GOD!!! I laughed so much during the lessons everyone thought I was stupid or a retard. >__>
Did you know the chock I got?! I don't know how this happened but appereantly my background picture is Wooyoung dressing up as a girl and wants to cry...
Man this is just to much TT____TT
PHUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!! This really made my day!
A friend: What is it?
Friend: What the hell is THAT?!
Scared for life...
That first post...
I've made a new category called B.R.A Time~~
I'm a wied person, if you didn't knew that so there'll be a lot of wierd posts in this category so be prepared for really bad humour.
The first confession from my side is... I hate to shower -.-'
Am I the only one out there? Sure I actually shower regualary ( every third day, for example If I take a shower in monday I'll wait to Thursday ^^I don't count monday as the first day because I showered that day >__<)
One of the biggest problem is to take off the cloths after that you'll be used to that shower, and you don't want to go out and THEN the worst part is near.... put on your cloths and dry yourself up. I HATE IT!!! To much energy...
I was pretty tired when I made this -.-
Doomed and awkward
The first thing you do when school start (in my school) is, that you turn on the computer. I wrote in my password and SHAAABOOM!!!
This thing shows up. The heck I know what I did yesterday but it's Gi kwang U___U
Actually... It looks kinda pretty <3__<3 That's the problem XD
HAHAHAHAHAHA If someone saw this
"Who the hell is that?"
"Ehh well you know..."
"Are you guys together?
*I wish...*
"Ehh n..."
"Wait.. is he wearing makeup?!"
"The thing is..."
"Why does he have makeup? Are you guys really together because I don't think so.. Is he asian?!"
HAHAHAHAHA This is the only beginning of how the chocking conversation can begin at my school X'D
(It's an all high and fancy fashion school with rich bitches (<--- to many words...) (I think) so this isn't something usual for them. So they'll probably be like, ehh the heck...)
So B.R.A has to protect his damaged reputation in that school, you see 8D hahaha damaged... yeah it's pretty much broken... I wonder if I even had any... man I'm hungry xS
A typical morning...
I am alone...
We don't really write our "private life" in here, me and Bo (Hahahahahaha what life... xD)
But I am awefully tired and alone right now. It's my last class before the whole shaBAAM ends and we're sorry if the update has been bad today, blame Bo because he quits much earlier than me...
HOOOOOweverrr.... let's say some things about kpop.
I've read that CN Blue has sold over 15 000 tickets for their show, somewhere...
Congratulations for them. They're getting bigger now.
This and next year would be the year for Infinite, CN Blue and U-kiss I just have this feeling ^_^
Well U-kiss is already famous but they will be BIGGER, bigger I say!