Drama recommendation: Full House take 2

Finally! After 6 months I decided to watch this drama... when I were in Cyprus XD Totally ruined my vaccation but that's not the point. 

A lot of people (kpop fans...) know that Full House 2 is actually a remake of Full house, it's not a continuation of the first one, like I thought at the beginning.
To be honest I don't really know why they did a remake on this, I'm not saying that the drama was bad but it can never compete with the first one. Well of course nothing can compete with the original (if the original itself isn't bad). 
The drama had some good and bad stuff, I totally hate the main characters hair XD At least during the first 10 episodes, some things were a bit off and some questions were unanswered. However I was still hooked. They did a good remake considering the fact that Full house was kick ass and for the first time I wanted the main character to chose the good guy in the beginning instead of the douche -_- *surprise*
Yet it feels like they missed a bit of the concept/point. It should have revolve around the house and the marriage contract a bit more. Especially the marriage contract, it ended after.. what? 3-4 episodes? 
No matter how much I nag I actually liked this drama a lot. I really liked the actors and it gave some nostalgic feelings :3 You should go and watch Full House and then Full House take 2 if you haven't!! NAO! 

Jang Man Ok - Hwang Jung Eum
Lee Tae Ik - No Min Woo
Won Kang Hwi - Park Ki Woong
Yoo Seol Ah - Jin Se Ryeong
You can actually watch every episode on youtube CLICK HERE or on Viki's website CLICK HERE


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